A pothos on the article Why Is My Pothos Not Full

Why Is My Pothos Not Full – Tips on How to Make it Fuller

If you’re trying to grow a pothos and seeing your Pothos not full, you might be wondering why it takes so long to sprout and grow into the lovely huge plant that it should be.

You can do many things to help this plant thrive, but you must pay particular attention to a few crucial aspects of maintenance.

Your pothos not being full and growing slowly can be for various reasons, the most common of which are a lack of nutrients, inadequate lighting, and insufficient watering (either too much or too little).

It’s also possible that issues like insect infestations or inappropriate temperatures hurt your plant’s growth.

Why Is My Pothos Not Full?

Let’s take a closer look at each of these difficulties and find the best line of action to get your company back on track.

Poor Lighting:

A green pothosPothos plants, in general, tolerate low light well. They do not require a lot of sunshine because they are part of the foundation of forests in the natural world, but they require adequate light to grow appropriately.

If your is pothos not full or the plant is growing in a dark place, consider putting it closer to a window to encourage development.

These plants can withstand a lot of strong light and respond by producing bigger and more leaves. Simply keep them out of the afternoon light since the leaves will scorch.

If you can’t bring it close enough to a window because you chose to grow in a gloomy spot on purpose, consider putting in a grow lamp.

Improper Watering:

If your pothos isn’t growing, check the soil. It’s easy to over- or under-water a potted plant.

When watering pothos, it’s best to let the soil dry out in between waterings and avoid keeping it constantly saturated.

Before watering, use your finger to examine the soil and make sure the top 1 or 2 inches are dry before adding more water. If the dirt in the pot becomes excessively wet, allow it to dry completely before watering the plant again.

Long periods of moist soil can lead to mushy, decaying roots, eventually destroying the plant. Watering your pothos may be more efficient if you place water in a saucer at the bottom of the plant and let it soak up to the top.

The soil also does not want to become too dry; if the leaves become crispy, give the plant water to assist it in flourishing.

Not Enough Nutrients:

  • If a plant doesn’t get enough nutrition, it won’t grow to its full potential.
  • Liquid fertilizer should be fed to your pothos every four or five months.
  • If the plant has been in the pot for a long time, you should also change the compost regularly to ensure that the soil hasn’t been depleted of all its nutrients.
  • If you’re just starting with a pothos, place it in fresh, sterile compost to provide it with a fertile growing medium.

How Can I Make My Pothos Fuller?

This post will cover tips for keeping your Pothos healthy and looking their best. Scindapsus Pictus can benefit from the same advice (Satin Pothos).

1. For A Bushy Vine, Prune Your Pothos Frequently

Pothos grows quickly; thus, you must be an expert pruner. Examine your plant daily, and nip back any errant tendrils that grow.

When you water your plant, thoroughly examine it (once or twice a month). Removing dead leaves or long stems that have sprouted since the last watering is a good idea.

2. Prune Your Pothos Correctly

It is important to clip the stems cleanly. Either trim the stem, so it is just under a leaf node or cut it all the way back to where it was above the earth. You can start new pothos plants from cuttings as long as they are in good condition.

3. Use Well-Maintained Tools

Always use a sharp and clean tool when trimming to prevent causing damage to your plant and spreading disease.

When you are finished pruning the plant, immediately wipe the blades of your knife, scissors, and pruners clean with rubbing alcohol.

4. Keep Your Pothos Healthy And Strong

These hardy plants don’t require a great deal of fertilizer to thrive. When you prune a plant regularly, you encourage it to develop more new leaves by removing some of the older ones. This requires a little bit more nourishment.

5. Provide The Right Amount Of Sunlight

The ideal lighting for pothos is bright, indirect sunshine. Greater exposure to strong light results in denser plant growth.

Finding the ideal environment can feel like striking a delicate balance at times. When plants receive inadequate light, variegated pothos will lose their distinctive coloring.

How do I Make My Pothos Fuller in Water?

A green plantNow, trimming branches is more of an art than it is a science. And as pompous as I may make that seem, there is some degree of refinement that is required here.

Because trimming back, your pothos is comparable to giving it a haircut; you need to give it some style and ensure that it is given the appropriate cut to achieve the full appearance you desire.

And if you make a mistake? Do not be concerned; just like your hair, the pothos will ultimately grow back.

However, in contrast to hair, you can propagate if the mistaken cutting results in a node; we will discuss this further in the following section.

When their growth is most rapid in spring and summer, it is the optimal time to prune. You can get started by doing the following:

  • First, take off any leaves turning brown or yellow and that are dead. You won’t have any use for them, and having them around will only make things more difficult for your Pothos plant. Additionally, the plant can refocus its energy on producing new growth rather than on maintaining older leaves on their way out.
  • Cut back any overgrown and unruly vines. These look much better when you have your pothos hanging from a basket, but they do little to promote a bushy appearance on the plant. Eliminating them is typically the most effective technique to stimulate younger shoots’ growth and maintain the plant’s orderly and compact appearance.

These cuttings can also be saved for subsequent use in propagation if you choose.

Immediately make sure to make clean cuts just before the leaf node, which is the point where the leaves adhere to the stem so that these will have the opportunity to establish roots.

  • Pinch off the new shoots’ tips located at the vines’ end. This simple method prevents the plant from developing longer tendrils and ensures health. Instead, it directs its efforts toward producing an additional group of stems that run parallel to the present vine.

Final Thoughts

In general, it is not too difficult to make your pothos look full. Your plant will become as busy as you want it to be if you are willing to put in some time, effort, and clipping.