A pink hydrangea on the article How Much Water Do Hydrangeas Need

How Much Water Do Hydrangeas Need – Out/Indoors, Pots and More

Hydrangeas are a low-maintenance plant known for their striking colors and the different varieties it comes in. They flourish in shade or sun and will add elegance to your garden.

Hydrangeas’ beauty remains unbeaten, and this plant does not require much care while adding beauty to your surroundings.

It is also important to choose the right hydrangeas since there are many varieties of this plant hence before you plant it you need to know the type of it and only then you can take care of it properly.

Although the list is endless some hydrangeas plants are bigleaf, panicle or Grandiflora, smooth and oakleaf.

All these types also have many types, but it is crucial to pay attention to the mature size of the plant. Some areas are small being 2 to 3 feet wide while others can reach 20 feet or more.

Generally a hydrangea will need to be watered at least 3 times per week. This will vary on where the hydrangea is located, the climate it is in, variety and other factors. 

Before watering your hydrangea, a simple trick is to check the leaves, if they have started to droop then more than likely you will need to water it.

So, in this article, we will learn all about hydrangeas and how much water do hydrangeas need to keep reading to know all about it!

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How Much Water Do Outdoor Hydrangeas Need?

Purple and blue hydrangeaHydrangeas don’t need too much care but there are still things one needs to take care of when they plant a hydrangea. They don’t require too much tender care but there are some tips you should follow when you plant a hydrangea.

Outdoor hydrangeas need water around 1 inch during the growing season and water your hydrangeas deeply to encourage growth.

Different varieties of hydrangeas need different amounts of water like bigleaf and smooth hydrangeas require more water however all varieties of this plant will benefit from a good water routine.

How Much Water Do Indoor Hydrangeas Need?

The same rules apply for watering indoor hydrangeas just like an outdoor hydrangea. However, it is important to give your hydrangea sunlight like it would get if it was outdoor.

Place the plant near a window where it will give some sunlight for at least 4 hours a day since hydrangeas will thrive in sunlight.

The meaning of the name hydrangeas means that they need a lot of water hence water your plant thoroughly to keep it happy and to help it grow healthily!

How Much Water Do Potted Hydrangeas Need?

Potted hydrangeas will need water three times a week but make sure it has drainage holes. If your potted hydrangea is kept outdoor make sure to use a light-coloured pot since dark colours retain absorb heat faster.

Make sure to water the plant all around the container and not just in one place.

Also never let the water sit in the pot for too long and try to keep your hydrangea in a pot where the water will drain out otherwise this will cause root rot in your plant.

Check out our article on common problems for hydrangeas in pots for more useful potted hydrangea information.

How Much Water Do Hydrangeas Need in Hot Weather?

During hot weather you might have to water your hydrangeas frequently since they will start to wilt and need more water than other house plants.

To ensure that your hydrangeas stay healthy try to water your plant deeply at least twice or thrice a week.

Also water your hydrangea in the morning and evening instead of during bright sunlight so that the water doesn’t evaporate quickly.

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How Much Water Do Hydrangeas Need in The Winter?

During winter hydrangeas do not need a lot of water since they are in a state of dormancy.

Watering your hydrangeas once a week with 1 litre of water should be enough to keep your hydrangea happy and thriving!

Also try to make sure that you don’t let the soil dry out completely. It is also important to protect your hydrangeas during winter so that it has a good growth during summers so try to place them somewhere where they can keep warm.

It is also alright if your hydrangeas face late frost occasionally as hydrangeas can easily take this frost during winters but get back to their state when the weather becomes normal again.

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How Often Should Newly Planted Hydrangeas Be Watered?

Blue hydrangeaFor a newly planted hydrangeas it is important for you to establish a healthy watering routine until your plant is established.

This is especially important if you live in extremely hot weather conditions or if there’s a drought in your area.

If you have planted your hydrangeas in the ground, it would be a good idea to water them at least thrice a week to help the plant develop a strong root system.

You should also make sure to plant your hydrangeas in a well drained soil that has a little moisture.

However, make sure to not let your hydrangeas sit in water for too long especially after rain which is why you will need a well drained soil.

Since hydrangeas have shallow roots, you should also mulch to your plant to help get rid of the extra moisture.

If you are enjoying this article, check out our articles on hydrangeas vs lilacs and why does my hydrangeas have small flowers.

How Do You Tell If You’re Overwatering Your Hydrangeas?

Just like underwatering a plant is bad for their health, overwatering is equally dangerous for your plant!

When it comes to hydrangea people often think that watering your plant is the only solution to have a healthy plant however, that is not the case since too much water can cause some problems for your plant.

Let’s find out some signs of overwatering your hydrangeas.

A major sign of an overwatered hydrangea will be yellow leaves that start to fall off prematurely.

It will produce less buds and in some cases your hydrangea leaves might start turning brown or will have wilted leaves.

Symptoms of an overwatered hydrangea are very similar to an underwatered hydrangea.

They can range from mild to severe and in case you’re overwatering your plant you will see that the plant will stop absorbing nutrients from the soil and will generally start looking unhealthy.

Also, if your hydrangeas flowers bloom you will see that its shape look irregular if you’re overwatering the plant.

If your plant receives more water than it needs regularly then your plant will eventually face root rot. It is a fungal infection that targets the root of your plant and destroys the entire root system.

If there is a root rot in your hydrangea you will see that the leaves of your plant are brown and feel soft to touch.

Although a wilted hydrangea is also a sign of underwatering but an underwatered hydrangeas leaves will feel dry and crispy, and an overwatered will have soft leaves.

Also, to see if your plant is getting more water than it needs then try looking at the soil. If the soil feels dry, then it means your plant is underwatered but if it feels wet and moist then you are overwatering your hydrangeas.

If you feel that you have overwatered your hydrangeas and want to save your plant, then the best option would be to stop watering your plant immediately and move it to a warm place and out of direct sunlight.

Before you water your plant again make sure that your plant has dried up at least up to 75 percent before you water your plant again.

However, if your hydrangeas are planted in the ground, you can aerate the soil to help the plant dry out.

All these steps will work well if your plant has mild symptoms however if your plant is going through root rot you need to work on it immediately to make sure that the rest of your plant does not get effected by it.

If you have a potted hydrangea, take it out and check your hydrangea if the roots are slimy and discoloured that means that your plant is suffering from root rot.

So, the next best step would be to remove the plant and remove the affected roots with a clipper. Also, before you repot your plant make sure to clean you pot thoroughly and sanitize it before your put your plant back in the pot.

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What Time of Day Should You Water Hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas is a plant that love moist soil and whether your hydrangea is planted in a pot or in the ground you need to be careful about when you water your plant and what time you should water it.

It would be a good idea to water your hydrangeas twice or thrice a week but give it plenty of water also keep the flowers dry when you water your plant.

During summers it would be best to water your plant early in the morning since at this time the plant is resting and absorbs the water well.

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Final Thoughts

Purple hydrangeaNo matter which type of hydrangea you’re growing it is important to know the exact needs of your plant to ensure you have a healthy and a happy plant.

Since hydrangeas love water sometimes people think that giving your plant plenty of water is the only solution however, that is not the case.

If you want a healthy and happy plant then give your hydrangeas a good watering routine while ensuring it gets adequate amount of sunlight and has well drained soil.

Before you go, here are some more related articles I encourage you to read below to help solve more of your gardening issues:

How do you get Rid of Black Spots on Hydrangea Leaves

Snowball Bush Vs Hydrangea

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How to make a natural fertilizer for hydrangeas.