An agapanthus on the article Planting Combinations With Agapanthus

5 Great Planting Combinations With Your Agapanthus

Agapanthus is a plant that is native to South Africa. This plant can survive extreme weather and grows beautiful white or blue flowers which make a presence during summers while in winters you can see its evergreen leaves.

The name Agapanthus is a combination of the Greek name agape and anthos which means love and flower. So an Agapanthus literally means a flower of love.

It resembles allium flowers which might be because they belong to the same botanical family. It has long three-foot stems and round trumpet-shaped blooms.

The agapanthus is an easy to grow plant that will add beauty to your surroundings whether you plant them indoors or outdoor!

A agapanthusIt is impossible not to love this plant due to upright stalks with long shiny leaves! They are also pest and disease free and that is what makes this plant everyone’s favorite!

This plant is also extremely easy to propagate and if you plant and forget about it you will still see it blooming a week later!

Agapanthus is also known as African lilies and if you want to know more about planting combinations with agapanthus then keep reading this article to find out all the information about them!

Agapanthus is recognized as belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family which is also sub dived into three parts.

  • Allioideae which give us garlic, onions, and chives
  • Amraryllidoideae which have daffodils and snowdrops under it.
  • Agapanthiodeae which only has Agapanthus under it.

Planting Combinations With Agapanthus

Agapanthus is a plant which has many planting combinations. That is because its requirements are not too demanding and many other plants can survive with an easy plant like Agapanthus!

One great combination is to use a wisteria as a climber to accompany it. You could also plant a small agapanthus and combine it with an iris or Shasta daisy. 

It would be a good idea to combine an agapanthus plant with a plant that looks the same. Or maybe you want to go for a nice colour combination?

So if you have an agapanthus plant that has flowers then you can go for a plant that only has leaves so that both the plants will compliment each other.

You can also choose a plant that is tall in height. So if you want to know which plant you should plant then keep reading!


One of the good combinations with Agapanthus plant is planting it with an iris. It has flowers in shades of purple, blue, white and yellow and some versions of this plant has multi-coloured flowers as well.

Get Your Iris Here!


Butterfly Bush

Butterfly bush can be a great combination for an agapanthus plant! It has the ability to attract beneficial insect and butterflies and are known for their long panicles and colourful flowers.

Get Your Butterfly Bush Seeds Here!



A wisteria might be a good option to plant with an agapanthus plant! This beautiful plant has an amazing scent and is known for its violet blue or lavender flowers that bloom in early spring.

One thing you need to take care of when growing a wisteria is to take proper care of it or it might get too big! Since this plant is tall it will make a great plant combination with agapanthus.

Get Your Wisteria Seeds Here!



This plant makes a beautiful plant for the eyes! It will change it’s colour to blue in acidic soil and will change to pink when the soil is more alkaline!

This is an easy to grow plant and is resistant to most pests and diseases which is why so many people love this plant!

Get Your Hydrangea Here!


Shasta Daisies

This low maintenance plant might just be the plant youre looking for to plant with your agapanthus plant.

It flowers have a traditional look of lilies with an evergreen foliage that lasts throughout the year! Growing a shasta daisy is very easy once you know the proper way to grow this plant!

Get Your Shasta Daisies Here!


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How Many Agapanthus Can I Plant Together?

An agapanthusSince Agapanthus takes a long time to spread that is about 3 to 5 years you can plant a couple of agapanthus plants together.

If given the right conditions to grow in an Agapanthus plant will grow up to 22 to 44 inches tall and will spread about 22 to 44 inches as well.

This plant is also found in extremely hot and desert-like climates because it can survive in extreme weather as well.

It is also considered to slow down a fire because its leaves do not catch fire quickly.

Apart from so many benefits of this plant the main reason everyone prefers it is because of its beauty and the way it looks when you plant it. It requires such less care that often people refer to this plant as a weed.

What Is The Best Place To Plant An Agapanthus?

An Agapanthus plant should be planted in full sun exposure in soil that has a pH of 5.5 to 7.5.

They need around 6 to 8 hours of sun exposure every day but if you live in an area where the climate is too hot they can survive in partial shade as well.

You will see the best results if your agapanthus has a well-drained, fertile and moist soil. It also requires regular watering and you will see your plant thriving in no time!

What Month Do You Plant Agapanthus?

If you live in an area where the climate is mild and frost free you can plant your agapanthus in January or February.

You should plant around 2 to 3 feet apart and space the bulbs around 1 to 3 feet apart. Although this plant can grow well in any type of soil it is still better to plant it in organic soil.

However if you live in an area where theres frost and the weather is usually cold then it is better to plant your Agapanthus bulbs in March.

You should wait for the frost to pass and only then plant your agapanthus and make sure that the soil has warmed up to 50 degrees fahrenheit.

Although an Agapanthus plant can grow well in frosty conditions but it is also important to cover the roots of your plant with mulch to protect it from the harsh weather.

So if theres less sunlight in the area you live still make sure that your plant gets partial shade atleast 6 to 8 hours every day!

Final Thoughts

A agapanthusAn agapanthus plant is known to survive all types of weather and therefore whether you plant it indoors or outdoors or you live in a cold or a warm area this plant is your go to solution!

Some evergreen varieties of Agapanthus might not survive outside during winters but you can keep them inside and they will make an excellent indoor plant.

This plant might require more water when you plant it but slowly you won’t have to water them as much!

If you want your agapanthus plant to thrive then give it lots of sunlight, make sure the soil you plant it in it well-draining and organically rich.

Lastly don’t forget to water around one inch every week until your plant has established and then reduce the water to half an inch every week.

To keep your plant healthy and happy then give your Agapanthus proper care if you want it to be healthy and stop it from becoming invasive for other plants!

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