Do Onions Grow Underground? What is Normal? + Tips & Tricks

Lots of onions on the article Do Onions Grow Underground

Onions are vegetables that are used throughout the world! It is used in almost every form of cooking and is always available in most homes.

It is not a name new to anyone of us however, you might at times wonder how and where the onions grow? You might wonder at times if onions are a root vegetable or are it a vegetable that is grown above the ground?

The answer to your question is that the bulb of the onion grows underground while the rest of the onion tops grows above the ground.

The onion is a vegetable species that belongs to the genus allium, onions are biennials and require two seasons to complete their life cycle. 

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Varieties Of Onion

There are so many varieties of an onion that sometimes one might get confused as to which one to use or plant. So we have made a list of all the varieties of onions that might help you to decide which one you want to harvest!

Yellow Onions

This is one onion that you might find in every kitchen! They are easily available and have a brown shade to them. You can use this type of onion for a variety of dishes!

Bermuda Onions

The bermuda onion type of onion is larger than a yellow onion and has a pale yellow color. They have a sweet flavor that enhances the flavor of other foods it is used with.

Sweet Onions

They have a mild flavor and if you give them the best conditions they can produce 2-pound bulbs!

Welsh Onions

This type of onion requires a little more space to grow than other onions. They also don’t have plump bulbs but have thickened stems.

Spanish Onions

This type of onion is bigger than a yellow onion and also has a milder flavor. Although many people confuse yellow onions with Spanish onions both of them are different and have a different taste!

Do Onions Grow Underground?

OnionsWhen we have to answer the question of whether onions grow underground the answers are rather ambiguous. We grow the bulb of the onion underground but the onion itself is grown above the ground.

If you are harvesting green or red onions for bulbs you have to grow them underground while if you’re growing green onions to use their stalks then you have to grow them above the ground.

The onion bulb sits above the ground with the base tucked in the soil. The part of the onion that we eat is not an onion but is a modified stem of an onion.

The root of the plant is short and they are attached to the bulb. That is the part of the plant that dries up and falls on its own.

So the onions that we buy from a local shop are just the dried bulb of which the top and bottom part of the root has dried up and shrivelled. You may be surprised to know that the onion we eat might be as old as 6 to 8 months!

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What Happen If You Leave Onions In The Ground?

You might be interested to know that if you leave onions in the ground they will begin to multiply!

Just like garlic, onions can also form sections that you can dig up, separate them and replant them as well.

Also if you leave the onion unharvested the seed will begin to flower.

An onion stem can grow tall with white flowers. Once the plant starts to bloom you will see that the petals fall from the flower. If you break the pods you will find onion seeds in the flowers.

How Deep Do You Bury Onions?

When you plant onions make sure to plant them 2 to 6 inches apart. Then try to set the bulb with the endpoint up and make sure to not bury them more than 1 inch under the ground.

You should be careful about not planting the onions too deep in the ground as this can affect the development of the growth of your onions.

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Can You Grow Onions From An Onion?

Well if you want to see the growth of your doubling in no time then you should grow an onion from an onion! Just chop the onion in half and plant it in the soil.

You can grow onions with just the cuttings of your onion. It will take around 90 to 120 days but you can grow an onion from an onion.

Lets us take a look at the step-by-step guide on how to do it!

  • Chop the onion to about 1 inch after removing the outer peel and cut off the bottom as well.
  • If you want a healthy onion you need to cut it about 2.5 inches long.
  • You can use any store-bought onion for this purpose but it is better to have a fresh onion.
  • Next, after you cut the onion leave the onion to dry for 24 hours.
  • Keep the side that you just cut up and place it on a flat surface.
  • Now you will need 4 toothpicks and poke them on each side of the onion to make an ‘X’.
  • Take a small bowl of water and place it on a flat surface.
  • Now put the onion in the bowl in such a way that the bottom of the onion just touches the water.
  • Leave it for 3-4 days.

How Many Onions Will One Onion Grow?

OnionsThere are many different varieties of onion. But an onion will only grow one onion if you’re using the regular variety. However, if you have the potato onion it can grow around 5 onions per plant.

The good news is that you can grow multiple onions from a sprouted onion. So if you have a sprouted onion that has been harvested and stored for some time you can use it to grow multiple onions.

Final Thoughts

Onions are a staple in every household and it is also extremely easy to grow! So if you’re looking for the answers to whether and onions grow underground or not well you have got the answer!

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