Monstera leaves on the article How Do You Save A Damaged Monstera

How Do You Save A Damaged Monstera?

Monstera plants are extremely easy to take care of but everyone is not able to keep this plant alive! Maybe you have gone for vacations and no one looked after your plant and once you come back you find your plant dying?

To save a damaged monstera you need to identify what the cause of the damage is. The causes could of resulted from underwatering, overwatering, light issues and root rot.

When identified, you will need to provide proper care practices to bring your monstera back to full health for example appropriate watering and light. 

Monstera is a very popular houseplant and with its beautiful leaves, this plant can turn any space beautiful! Monstera plants are actually very hardy however, sometimes damage can occur and there can be many different reasons for it.

It might get a little stressful for you when you see your monster damaged but don’t worry we will guide you exactly on how to save it and all the signs to look out for!

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How Do You Save A Damaged Monstera?

Multiple monstera leavesBefore we tell you how to save a damaged monstera let us first look at the possible signs that your monstera is dying.

Some signs that your monstera is damaged or is dying are listed below:

It might be a little disturbing for you to see your plant damaged or dying but it is not difficult to revive your monstera plant if you know the signs of damage.

So if you want to know how to revive a damaged monstera plant we will take a look at all of the problems in details and how to deal with them.


One common problem you will face if your plant is damaged is overwatering of your plant. Sometimes you might be watering your plant a little too much than it needs and hence your plant might get damaged.

If your plant is over watered you will see the leaves of your plant turning yellow, attracts pests, brown or pale leaves, shedding of leaves and root rot.

If you see any of these signs you need to immediately stop watering your plant and cut the damaged parts of the plant. Now only water the plants when the soil is completely dry.

To avoid this problem in future make sure that you follow a watering schedule and don’t just water the plant every couple of days.

Also make sure that your plants pot has drainage holes and use your finger to check the moisture of your soil.


If you see that your plant is underwatered then you will again see some signs of it showing in the health of your plant.

There might be  stressed leaves, discoloration, brown leaves, brown edges and slow growth of your plant.

A good way to handle this problem is to trim all the damaged leaves and water your plant and let it drain completely. Once it is drained fully then water it again and also mist the sides of your plant.

Make sure to check your plant every couple of days to make sure that it does not get too dry.

Also check the soil of your plant frequently to avoid excessive drying of soil and make sure that the season and climate of where you live also plays a major role in the health of your plant.


If the plant is getting too much light you will see droopy leaves, brown leaves and sunburn. Also if its getting less light you will see your plant has droopy leaves and thin stalks.

If you feel your plant is getting a lot of sunlight just make sure to remove it from that spot to where it will get moderate sunlight.

If you think it is getting less sunlight then move it somewhere where it will get sunlight but not too much. Also make sure that it doesn’t get direct sunlight as it prefers dappled light.

Try to make sure that your monstera does not get more than 2 hours of sunlight each day and try to keep its sunlight early in the morning.

If your plant is kept outdoors make sure you keep it under something that provides shade to avoid your plant getting too much sunlight.

Root Rot

A monstera plant

Make sure that your plant is getting adequate light. If its getting too much or too little light then there is a chance that your plant will die.

Another problem related to your monstera plant is root rot. This usually happens when your plant is unable to breath due to overwatering of your plant or if the soil is compact.

Usually if there’s root rot you will see that the leaves of your plant are turning yellow, losing their shine, wilting or shedding leaves, stunted growth or soft and brown roots, discolored leaves and mushy and slimy roots.

If that is a cause of damage to your monstera plant then snip the damaged leaves, change the pot of your plant and inspect the roots of your plant if you see even some healthy roots then you can save your plant from complete root rot.

Now you can wash your plant under running water to remove all the damaged areas. Now place your plant in a new pot with only healthy roots.

To prevent root rot in your monstera plant there’s not much you can do but just keep an eye on your plant and make sure that you check it regularly and if you see even a small sign of root rot treat it immediately.

If you’re enjoying this article, check out our article on why are my monstera leaves not splitting.

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How To Take Care Of The Monstera To Bring It Back To Full Health?

  • Water your monstera plant often to revive it if you have been underwatering it.
  • If you were overwatering your plant try to reduce the water intake of your plant.
  • Giving your plant a thorough watering is essential and make sure that the pot of your plant has proper drainage holes.
  • Don’t let water stay under the pot of your plant but make sure to keep empty trays under it so that no water stays under the pot.
  • If you feel that the soil of your plant is too dense then repot the plant before it gets a root rot.
  • If your plant is not getting adequate sunlight then keep your plant somewhere where it will get enough sunlight for healthy growth.
  • It is also a good idea to fertilize your plant every month if you want a healthy plant if your plant needs it.

Where To Cut the Damaged Monstera Leaves?

If you see that a stem of your monstera has snapped completely then it is better to cut it off entirely.

Use a sharp knife and cut it from an angle that is close to the stem since the old stem wont repair itself it would be better to remove it completely.

Can A Broken Monstera Stem Heal?

No, unfortunately you can not save a monstera stem if it breaks. You wont even be able to save the leaves that are on that stem.

Cut the monstera stem which is nearest the broken node. After that you will soon see that there’s a new stem growing out of that node and new leaves as well.

Can Broken Monstera Leaf Heal?

You can not do anything if your monstera leaf breaks. Depending on the damage to the leaves of your plant you need to decide how to remove the leaves.

Through removing the broken leaves, you will make sure that your plant stays in great shape even after a little bit of damage to the plant.

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Final Thoughts

A monsteraMonstera plants are extremely easy to take care of however, it can get damaged if not given proper care.

If your monstera is showing even a slight chance of damage, then it is a better idea to try to save it from damage before the entire plants get affected.

This plant can be kept happy if you give them a little bit of care and attention.

This plant loves average temperature and if given proper conditions you will see this plant striving and thriving in no time!

Keep a check on the watering of your plant and as soon as you feel that it’s getting more water try to stop its water intake and if you feel they are getting less water then increase the water intake.

Monstera will survive in any kind of sunlight but if there’s too much direct sunlight then that would be dangerous for your plant and if kept outdoors try to keep this plant somewhere where it won’t get too much direct sunlight.

And if kept indoors then keep your plant in front of a window with translucent curtains on it. Also keep rotating your plant so that is gets an even distribution of light.