A monstera on the article How To Fix Root Rot in a Monstera

How To Fix Root Rot in a Monstera (Causes + Fixes)

In this, post we will tell you how to fix root rot in a Monstera.

The Monstera is a lovely houseplant that you should consider getting. If the conditions in which it is grown are not optimal, however, like many other types of plants, it can develop Monstera root rot.

If you do not promptly cure the root rot in your treasured Monstera plant, it will ultimately cause the plant to die.

Repotting the Monstera plant in healthy soil, improving drainage, and aerating the soil are all treatment options for root rot in Monstera plants.

After you have finished all of these steps, it is important to adhere to a good watering plan to avoid overwatering, which is the primary cause of root rot.

Once it has established itself, root rot will kill the plant from the bottom up, beginning with the roots and working its way up to the main stem.

Before passing away, the roots transform from white to black and take on a sticky consistency. If you do not treat your Monstera plant, it will perish quickly from monstera root rot.

You are in luck since this detailed instruction on preventing root rot in Monstera plants will assist you in maintaining a healthy plant.

This article contains all you might want about the Monstera root rot. Are you prepared to learn how to keep your Monstera happy and healthy by shielding it from damage and maintaining its proper care?

Let’s get started!

What is Root Rot?

A monstera in a glass on the article How To Fix Root Rot in a MonsteraExcessive moisture in the soil can lead to the growth of fungi that cause root rot. An anaerobic environment will be produced if the soil can retain excessive moisture for an extended period.

However, this will cause the roots of your Monstera plant to begin to rot and deteriorate, which will kill the plant.

Once it takes possession of a plant, root rot will begin by killing its roots and eventually making its way up the main stem.

The roots ultimately decompose, turning from white to black and slimy before passing away. Root rot will swiftly kill a Monstera plant if it is not properly cared for.

Because the roots are buried in the soil, root rot might be difficult to detect unless you pay attention to the other warning indications your Monstera provides you that it is not healthy.

Root rot can be caused by several circumstances related to excessive water in the soil for an extended period. Plants need air just like we do!

An isolated instance of overwatering can result in root rot if the soil has already been contaminated by fungal root rot. However, chronic overwatering is more likely to result in root rot.

What Causes Root Rot in Monstera?

It is well known that root rot thrives in anaerobic soil brought on by an overabundance of moisture. Fortuitously, this can occur in several ways, and infection can take root in several ways.


An overwatered Monstera is a primary offender in the development of root rot, as this is the most typical cause of the condition.

A few distinct factors might lead to overwatering, all of which result in the accumulation of more water in the soil than your Monstera root rot plant can consume.

Your Monstera’s soil should have the consistency of a damp sponge that has been wrung out, but it should not be mushy or wet to the touch. Some reasons for excessive watering:

  • An excessive amount of watering
  • The pot does not have sufficient drainage.
  • There is an excessive amount of clay or organic materials in the soil.
  • The kettle is too big.

If you water your Monstera too regularly, it could become overwatered, which would lead to the development of root rot.

However, if you want to keep from over-watering your Monstera, you should check the moisture level of its soil frequently and only give it a drink of water if the top two inches of its soil are completely dry.

When you water your Monstera, please give it a lot of water until it begins to run out of the drainage hole in the bottom.

As long as the soil has had sufficient time to dry out, the amount of water you provide your Monstera in a single session will not affect the possibility that it will develop root rot.

It is only possible to overwater your Monstera if you did it while the soil was already saturated with water.

When you water your Monstera, please give it a lot of water until it begins to run out of the drainage hole in the bottom.

The soil has had sufficient time to dry out, the amount of water you provide your Monstera in a single session will not affect the possibility that it will develop monstera root rot.

It is only possible to overwater your Monstera if you did it while the soil was already saturated with water.

If a container does not have adequate drainage in the bottom, then water will begin to pool in the bottom of the container.

However, if this water is allowed to sit excessively without being absorbed by your Monstera, the anaerobic condition will cause the soil and the roots to decay.

An excessive amount of clay or organic matter in the soil will inhibit the water’s ability to drain effectively.

Root rot can be caused by an excess amount of water that remains stagnant for an extended period. You want the soil around your Monstera to have good drainage.

Because it holds on to an excessive amount of moisture and has the potential to harbor pathogens that cause root rot and other diseases or pests, garden soil should not be used for containerized plants like monsteras.

Root rot can also be caused by using a large container for the plant. When the container that contains your Monstera is excessively large, there will be portions of the soil that do not contain any roots to absorb water.

These bare patches of soil will retain their moisture for an extremely extended period until the water evaporates on its own. An excessive amount of time to evaporate, the soil may start to rot, which may cause the roots to begin rotting.


A monsteraIt’s possible that root rot isn’t directly caused by underwatering. On the other hand, if you forget to water your Monstera for a lengthy period, the plant’s root system will adjust to the dry environment and become more resistant to water stress.

The roots begin to contract in size and become denser.

Because of this reaction, the pot will contain parts of soil that do not have roots (similar to placing the Monstera in a large pot).

If you finally water the pot, but it takes the soil an excessive amount of time to dry, the root may develop rot.

Fungal Infection

Fungi in the soil can cause an infection known as monstera root rot. Root rot can be caused by several fungi, the most common of which are Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Fusarium, although this list is not exhaustive.

If these fungi already reside in the soil of your Monstera plant, it is more probable that overwatering will quickly develop into root rot because of the overwatering. The rot will be caused by the overwatering.

The spores produced by these fungi are transported by insects and dispersed through the air. If one of your houseplants has root rot caused by a fungus, it is probably that the fungus has spread to other containers of soil around your home.

Unless the soil becomes wet, it will not grow, and it will not cause any damage.

A Cold Climate

If you reside in a cooler climate, your Monstera will have growth retardation throughout the winter. Your Monstera will have a lower requirement for water during this period of slower growth, so you won’t need to water it as regularly.


Because of the excessive fertilization you’ve given your Monstera, its roots have shrunk, making it more difficult for the plant to extract water from the soil around it.

To extract water from the soil, the roots of plants need to put some effort into the process.

The roots of plants respond to high nitrogen fertilizer by contracting, making it more challenging for the plant to collect water from the soil around it.

Because of this, the plant will not be able to take in any of the water you provide for it if this situation persists for a long time.

Consequently, the Monstera’s roots rot are subjected to excessive amounts of moisture for significantly longer than is required, promoting root rot’s development.

Inappropriate Temperature

Monsteras are resistant to the effects of their surroundings and can maintain their health in even the most adverse conditions.

However, there is still a chance that they will be harmed, especially if the temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and you do nothing to address the problem for an extended period.

In a lower average temperature climate, it will take the soil a significant amount of time to dry out, which increases the risk that your Monstera plants will be affected by root rot.

Phytophthora Root Rot

Even if the Monstera plant is provided with an adequate quantity of water, there is a chance that it may still get infected with Phytophthora root rot owing to variables that are external to the plant.

The monsteras’ soil and roots will get contaminated if they are pruned with contaminated cuttings, irrigated overhead, or watered with contaminated water.

Pythium Root Rot

The symptoms of Pythium monstera root rot include yellowing and browning of the foliage of monstera plants and wilting of the leaves.

When this happens, the roots become dark, mushy, and soft. Be prepared to infect the roots if you use toxic soil mix quickly.

Signs of Root in Monstera Plants

Brown Mushy Roots

A monsteraThe roots frequently become mushy, weak, and discolored. It can be challenging to recognize or locate these roots in everyday life.

However, because they are weak, they occasionally break down and cause the plant to become somewhat dislodged from the pot. You may need to check the roots of the Monstera plant after digging a little dip in the ground around it.

The Leaves are Turning Yellow and Brown

Any plant’s foliage can indicate the state of the plant’s roots and soil. Overwatering and root rot are the two most common causes of leaves turning yellow or brown.

Stunted Growth

Because they are hardy plants, monsteras are resistant to the majority of the usual ailments that might damage other types of plants. In addition, these plants produce new growth during their growing season.

Wilted Leaves

The lack of nutrition causes leaves to wilt because the plant cannot absorb the essential nutrients in the soil.

The most common causes of nutrient deficiency are monstera root rot and excessive watering, making it difficult for leaves to obtain the nutrients they require to flourish.

Thin Canopy

If the stems and branches of your Monstera appear brown, thin, or otherwise abnormal, this is most likely an indication that monstera root rot has progressed to an advanced stage.

Even worse, the facility may be beyond repair. There is a possibility that the plant has been subjected to continual stress due to overwatering and overfertilization without anyone noticing.

Monsteras can thrive with very little attention, but an abundance of anything may result in various problems, including root rot.

The Putrid Odor From The Roots

A bad odor from the roots is a sign of root rot being present. If you can identify this odor, you will be able to prevent the early stages of root rot from occurring in your monstera plant.

They have not yet caused any damage to the leaves or stems of your monstera plants. However, if you wait too long to treat it, the disease will likely spread to the leaves and the remainder of the plant.

How To Fix Root Rot Monstera?

If you find that your Monstera has root rot, the next step is to learn how to cure it so that your Monstera may continue to enjoy a healthy life.

Step 1: Rinse the Roots


Because root rot is a disease found in roots and the soil, we must remove all the affected dirt.

After removing your Monstera from its container, brush off as much of the soil as you can reach with your hands. Some roots may be removed along with the soil if the rot is severe.

After removing the soil, you will see how far the rot has progressed within your Monstera plant.

You must remove all of the contaminated soil from the premises. After manually brushing it away, finish by rinsing it off with water to remove any remaining remnants.

If you have a smaller Monstera, you might be able to wash it in the kitchen sink, but if you have a larger specimen, you will need to take it outside and use the hose.

Step 2: Cut the Damaged Roots

After removing the soil, you must prune away all the rotting and dead roots.

You absolutely must avoid infecting any healthy roots with the fungal disease! Disinfecting your pruners between every cut can be done with rubbing alcohol or bleach that has been diluted.

Remove as much infected tissue from your Monstera plant as you comfortably can. You don’t want to overlook any of these because they can develop into another serious infection later.

Step 3: Let the Roots Air-Dry, and Disinfect the Roots and Pot.

Before you repot the plant, you need to give the roots some time to dry out in case there is any rot that has not completely disappeared from them.

Before spreading the remaining roots out to dry, you might also consider dipping them in hydrogen peroxide that has been diluted with water (1 tablespoon peroxide for every cup of water).

However, this will provide an additional layer of disinfection.

While the roots are sitting out to dry, you should get the new pot and soil ready. Disinfect the container and any supports by thoroughly cleaning them and using diluted bleach or peroxide. Get rid of the old soil, which is probably contaminated.

Step 4: Repot in Fresh Soil.

A monsteraIt is important to repot your Monstera once you notice that the healthy roots have become sufficiently dry.

You are required to utilize sterile, newly-acquired soil for your Monstera plant. Your plant will continue to suffer from root rot if you utilize the same old, diseased soil.

Now is the time to adjust your potting soil to have better drainage. You can do this by adding more sand or perlite to the mixture.

Your Monstera root rot will be less likely to suffer from root rot in the future if the soil on which it is grown drains more effectively.

Step 5: Prune-Affected Leaves

When you prune the roots of your Monstera plant, it is best practice to cut back anywhere from one-third to one-half of its leaves.

It will not support as many leaves as it once could because it will have fewer roots, causing the leaves to droop. Cutting back Monstera leaves that have been afflicted by root rot will assist your plant in recovering more quickly.

How to Prevent Root Rot?

The best method to ensure that your Monstera does not perish from root rot is to take measures to stop the condition from occurring in the first place.

Moreover, this can easily be accomplished to your great relief by giving your fantastic plant a bit more attention than usual.

Good Drainage System

The container that houses your Monstera needs to have drainage holes. However, you cannot avoid this under any circumstances.

The majority of the most beautiful pots, sadly, do not have any drainage holes in them.

You have two options for resolving this issue: either make a drainage hole in the lovely pot using a drill or use a plain plastic pot that has drainage inside the pretty pot.

Water Schedule

If you water your Monstera too regularly, even if it has soil and drainage suitable for its needs, it is still possible to become waterlogged.

If your Monstera does not receive as much sunshine or its growth slows down as it does during the winter, you may need to extend the amount of time between waterings that you give it.

Inspect for Pest & Fungal Infection

If you inspect your Monstera regularly, you can identify illnesses in your plant before they become fatal.

It would be best if you made it a point to periodically inspect your Monstera root rot, plant’s leaves, stems, and soil for any symptoms of pest or fungal infestations, but this should be especially important during the winter.

Can Monstera Recover from Root Rot?

After determining that the plant has root rot, you will need to decide whether or not it can be rescued.

It is too late to preserve the plant if the entire root system has already gone mushy by the time you notice the problem.

On the other hand, if the plant still has some healthy roots that are white and solid, you can try to restore it to excellent health by replanting it in new soil that has good drainage.

Final Thoughts

A monsteraEven though monsteras are resistant to disease, they are prone to root rot, leaf rot, and stem rot. Several factors can cause root rot, but the most common is overwatering the plant.

Root rot is a disease that, if left untreated, can be fatal to the plant. Monstera root rot can be identified by its characteristic black-brown, mushy roots, restricted growth, and yellowing foliage.

To treat root rot, take the Monstera out of the pot, cut off any infected roots, and then clean the still healthy roots with a solution of diluted hydrogen peroxide. Repot the plant using fresh potting soil to bring it back to life.