A peace lily on the article How Do You Care for A Peace Lily in The Winter

How Do You Care for A Peace Lily in The Winter?

Peace lily or Spathe lily is a home-friendly plant due to its easy to care nature. A Peace lily blooms twice a year.

But it is arduous for peace lily to mingle with the cold temperature. Caring for a Peace Lily in winter is slightly different  from regular care, but not difficult.

The peace lily known as the“Spathiphyllum spp” is native to Central America and Asia.

The peace lily is a flowering plant; that has white, off-white, and yellow as a few varieties of flowers. It has pointy evergreen shiny leaves.

In an indoor setting, a peace lily grows up to 3 ft in height. While it is broad by up to 1ft, but it depends on the width of the pot.

With a little care, the peace lily can survive more than five years. The peace lily is not just an indoor plant. You can grow peace lily in an outdoor setting if you’re living in a 10-12 USDA zone.

To care for a peace lily over winter; the soil should be acidic pH, the temperature should be between 50-60 Fahrenheit, water every fortnight, and fertilizer in late winter for the start of the growing season. A Peace lily thrives properly in indirect/filtered light.

To care for a Peace Lily over winter is very easy as it requires less attention in winters. In winter, you have to visit your lilies twice a month, no more than that. Even in general, the peace lily is very easy to take care of.

This article has a full guide related to peace lily winter care. It will cover the temperature ranges, humidity levels, watering amount, lightning needs, and fertilizer timings. Now, let’s get to it!

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What Temperature is too Cold for a Peace Lily?

A peace lilyA temperature below 45 Fahrenheit is too cold for a Peace Lily. Peace Lily prefers to thrive in a cozy environment. Although, a peace Lily over winter likes temperature between 50 – 60 Fahrenheit.

But the question is that how do we know that the temperature is too cold for a peaceful Lily? Peace Lily will start revealing unusual signs of damage if it is exposed to a cold temperature.

For instance, if your peace Lily’s mature leaves start getting dry from the edges of the leaves and then they start falling. Similarly, if the process is followed by young leaves, then it means that the temperature is too cold for a peaceful Lily.

Moreover, the reaction of peace lilies towards the lower temperature also depends upon the age and size of the plant.

If your Peace Lily is a mature and big plant then it will show signs between five to seven days. On the contrary, the new and young peace Lily leaves will start showing signs within a day after the exposure to too cold a temperature.

The damage done by the cold temperature to a Peace Lily cannot be undone and sadly you cannot revive those leaves. But you can give your Peace Lily the correct temperature and it will give rebirth to the new leaves.

Over winter a peace Lily will have very little growth or no growth at all. But don’t be mistaken as it could also be due to it not showing any growth to it being to cold i.e. being in the ranges of 45 – and 50 Fahrenheit.

In this case, if too much cold has caused a lot of damage to your plant, just trim the affected parts of the plant. And set the plant in a area that has warm temperatures and observe it closely for a few days until it gets back to its normal shape.

In the growing season, the ideal temperature for a peace lily is between 65 – and 85 Fahrenheit. At this temperature, peace Lily shows adequate growth and can easily maintain its greenish foliage.

In the growing season, it is favorable not to expose your peace lily to high temperatures more than 95 Fahrenheit. It might cause discoloration in the plant. And green foliage will start turning brown.

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How do you Take Care of a Peace Lily in the Winter?

Peace lily winter care is comparatively easier than in other seasons. There are only a few points that you need in mind during winter for Peace lily’s proper growth.


But not too much. It is sufficient to water your plant every fortnight. Best way to let the soil dry out between watering.

Provide your plant with water when you feel that the soil is dried out completely. For this, a finger test is best. Do not use cold water for this purpose.

Regular water is good to go for this procedure or room temperature water is also preferable for a Peace lily.

It is crucial to water your plant even in winter but do not make it soggy. Only mist your plant when you feel leaves are getting dry out.

Over-watering your peace lily in winter will result in the falling of leaves, and greenish foliage will turn into a pale yellowish tone. This in turn could kill your plant.

It is fine to forget to water your plant in winter, but not over-watering is normally a bit problem with killing plants.

In case, you forget to water your plant straight for three weeks in winter, don’t worry. Just give it water, and it will be alright.


A Peace lily over winter also needs the right light. A Peace lily thrives properly in indirect/filtered light. Moreover, shade or partial shade is also efficient for a peace lily.

Even in winters, it is not good for peace lily to be exposed to direct light. In winters, if you have clear sunlight coming out of your window, then place the plant a little distance away from the light.

A Peace Lily also grows adequately in low, artificial, or fluorescent lights.

In winters, Peace Lily will tell you if it’s getting too much strong light. the leaves will start turning yellow. In this case, relocate your plant somewhere far from the source of light.


A peace lily

Fertilizer is also significant for a Peace Lily over winter. Peace Lily needs fertilizer twice a year. It is favorable to add fertilizer in early spring or late winter.

Adding fertilizer in late winter, helps the peace Lily to bloom for the upcoming spring. Moreover, if you’re planning to repot your Peace Lily, then this is great to do in either February or March.

While you’re repotting the plant, do not use a big pot for a small plant, it will keep the potting mix wet. Moreover, use water-soluble houseplant fertilizer for a Peace lily. It is preferable for a Peace Lily.

It is appropriate not to fertilize peace lily at the beginning of the winter, neither it is good for plant growth nor for blooming.


Peace lily likes humidity levels from medium to slightly high. If the humidity level drops, then it will cause the leaf tips to turn brown. In case of low humidity, you can use a humidifier to maintain it in your home.

Misting the plant is also considered essential for a peace lily, but only in the summers. In winter, only mist your plant if you feel the tips of the plant are too dry. In other cases, do not mist your plant for any reason.

For more on humidity, check out our article on what is the ideal humidity for a peace lily.

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Do Peace Lilies Bloom in the Winter?

A Peace lily can bloom in the winter given the right environment. If you can optimize the environment around peace lilies in winters then peace lilies can bloom in the winter.

For instance, Peace Lily will bloom if you provide it temperature between 65 – 85 in winter artificially with filtered light.

But still, the day timing in winter is shorter than in summer. You have to give artificial lights to peace Lily to bloom in winters. The plant will show some new baby buds on it.

A Peace Lily will bloom in the spring season. The white and green foliage of a Peace Lily stands firmly in spring and thrives properly.

If Peace Lily is not blooming at all. Then this means that your plant is not getting the sufficient requirements it needs.

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Where do you put a Peace Lily in Winter?

If you have settled your peace lily in an outside setting and the temperature drops below 35 Fahrenheit then you need to protect your Peace lily.

At such a temperature, take your Peace lily inside and set the temperature above 55 Fahrenheit.

In an indoor setting, do not place your peace lily near the window in winter. It will save the plant from frostbite. Place the Peace Lily in the warm and cozy area of your home; preferable the living and kitchen.

Moreover, snow will not damage the plant as it helps save them from low temperatures. Even studies have shown that late snow act as a blanket for plants and saves them from frostbites.

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Do Peace Lilies Wilt in Winter?

A peace lily will wilt in the winter. A Peace lily will wilt in winter due to the low humidity levels. In our homes, we set up a normal humidity level that is appropriate for us, but not for the Peace lily.

By nature, a peace lily has some characteristics. Such as it requires medium to slightly high humidity in winters otherwise it starts to wilt.

The second reason is it being underwatered. In winters, it is preferable to water the plant twice a month.

But sometimes, due to the fear of over-watering, we completely neglect the watering of the plant. That also causes wilt in peace lily in winter. In this case, mist your plant as per requirement and set up the correct watering schedule.

Can Lilies Survive Frost?

Peace lily can survive spring frost. Spring is the lilies’ season of bloom. It is easy for a peace lily to recover from spring frost. You just need to maintain the temperature around them.

On the contrary, it is difficult for Peace lily to survive winter frost at the beginning of winter.

If the bulb of the peace lily is attacked by the winter frost, then it might damage the plant. Then it will be difficult for the plant to recover.

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What do you do with Frost-Damaged Lilies?

If frost has damaged the lilies, then cut that part with sharp scissors. If a particular part of the plant is damaged badly and not revived by changing the temperature, then it is preferable to trim it.

Many studies have shown that those plants that are damaged by frost can cause fungus in other parts of plants.

If you do not trim the frosting part of the plant, it will spread the fungus to other parts of the plant. To save the plant from fungus, it is best to trim it.

Apart from that, it is recommended not to put your Peace lily in an outside setting in winter. It will be difficult for a damaged Peace Lily to survive the outside temperatures in winter.

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Final Thoughts

A peace lilyLikewise, for other plants, Peace lily winter care is also simple. There isn’t any doubt that Peace lily is a great addition to the houseplants collection.

The peace lily is a great eco-friendly gift. Firstly, due to its aesthetic appearance. Secondly, many people symbolize peace lily as hope, a new beginning, purity, peace, and prosperity.

The toxicity level of the peace lily is slightly lower as compared to the “True Lily”.

Peace lilies have calcium oxalate, which is harmful to pets as well as humans only if you digest them in big quantities. It is a good idea to keep them away from the children and pets.

Apart from that a peace lily easily establishes peace with its new caretaker. Studies have shown that a peace lily also helps to purify the air by absorbing environmental gases.

Before you go, here are some more related articles I encourage you to read below to help solve more of your gardening issues:

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