A peace lily on the article Can A Peace Lily Survive Outdoors

Can A Peace Lily Survive Outdoors? UK, USA & More

A Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum is an indoor plant that shows great growth outdoors as well as indoors. A Peace Lily can grow up to 6 ft outdoors which is another reason why it’s considered a prodigious plant collection in gardens or lawns.

A Peace Lily can survive outdoors if grown in zones 10 to 12. A Peace Lilies survival depends on a few factors such as low to bright indirect light, humid temperatures of above 50%, ideal watering, and a mix drainage and moisture retention soil.

A Peace lily loses its aesthetic appearance when it comes into direct contact with the sun. As you know the majority of plants help take in oxygen but the Peace lily also acts as an air purifier.

A Peace lily helps to intake the polluted air particles as well as dangerous gases or chemicals the air, such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and many others.

Whether you settle your Peace lily outdoors or indoors, it will add aesthetic beauty to your home or garden as well as helping you have nice and clean air around you.

Moreover, to take care of a Peace lily indoors as well as outdoor is very simple. There are only a few things you need to take care of outdoors in the beginning.

After that Peace lily will become familiar with its environment and will show decorous growth. Now, let’s answer all the queries related to the Peace lily outdoor care!

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What are the Ideal Conditions for a Peace Lily to Survive Outdoors?

A peace lilyIt is very easy to create the ideal conditions for Peace lily to survive outside. As we have already discussed earlier that Peace lily don’t take much time and attention for proper care.

The ideal conditions for a Peace lily are the indirect exposure to the sun, draining soil, and watering from time to time. Let’s study each of them in detail that will help you with your Peace lily outdoor care.

A Peace lily cannot survive direct exposure to sunlight. Direct exposure will weaken the plant and cause brown patches on the leaves. The ideal condition for Peace lily is indirect or filtered light or place it in shade or partial shade.

If you don’t find shade in your garden or lawn then it is favorable to place it inside.

The second ideal condition for Peace Lily’s outdoor survival is draining soil. Draining soil helps the roots to get enough water that helps the leaves and flowers to maintain their color and structure.

Secondly, draining soil never makes the plants soggy which is the ideal conditions.

Moreover, it is ideal to add compost fertilizer to the soil for the proper growth of the Peace Lily. Peace lily requires more nutrients in outdoor settings as compared to indoor settings.

When you observe dry soil, give water to your Peace lily.

Specifically, there isn’t a fixed time for watering because it depends on the size of the plant. In general, you can water the plant thrice a week in summer and once a week in winter.

Apart from this, you can mist your plant whenever you feel that the leaves are a little dry. But do not make your Peace Lily soggy.

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Can a Peace Lily Survive Outdoors? (UK & USA)

A peace lily can survive outdoors in both the UK and USA given it is in the right conditions. The perfect environment for a Peace Lily is USDA zone 10 to 12. If you can give your Peace lily this climate then it should be able to survive.

During the summers your Peace lily should thrive but due to variable temperatures, if there is any sign of frost you will need to move your plant to a warmer location.

Initially, the Peace lily was brought into the UK plant market in 1870. To comprehend the survival of Peace lily outdoors, there’s a need to know it from its discovery.

In forests, big plants cover the small plants and Peace Lily is one of the small plants that received protection from big plants (trees).

Peace Lily receives shade from big trees that help protect them from direct sunlight. Technically, it is an outdoor plant by its nature. But also thrives in indoor settings.

You can plant Peace lilies in US or UK that have tropical or subtropical conditions. All you need to spot your plant away from the direct sunlight and you are likely needing to winter them.

When to Plant my Peace Lily Outdoors?

There isn’t any specific time or season for planting your Peace lily outdoors. But Spring and summer are considered growing seasons for the Peace lily.

So, it is favorable to plant your young Peace Lily at the end of the winter or the beginning of the spring. This time will help the young Peace lily to become acquainted with its new location.

When the growing season comes up, the plant will be ready to show some growth in it. But again, it is not fixed. You can plant the Peace lily any time of the year.

For instance, if you want to plant the peace lily outdoors in winter, then there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First of all, Peace lily has a keen intimacy with warm temperatures. It thrives at 65 to 85 Fahrenheit. So, when the temperature goes down, it becomes difficult for the peace lily to survive outdoors.

While, in the case of the young Peace lily, it hasn’t fully developed and is more susceptible to the cold . That’s why winter is not the ideal time of year for planting your peace lily outdoors.

We have a full guide on how to care for a peace lily in the winter.

Where to Plant a Peace Lily Outdoors?

A peace lilyIt is a good idea to plant your peace lily in shade where it is far away from direct sunlight.

In general, you can plant Peace lilies outside the window, in the entrance to your house, or balcony. Because these are the area that usually has shades in our homes.

On the contrary, if you have a big garden or lawn in your home, then it could be a good option for you. In this case, you need to check two important things; big trees and the sun’s direction.

If you have big trees in your garden or lawn, then you can may be able to plant your Peace lily underneath them.

Secondly, choose a spot for your peace lily that is not south facing. South facing means that the plant is receiving sunlight directly which is the worst light for plant growth.

This isn’t all thought when deciding where to plant your peace lily. You need to know, where not to plant it.

As we have studied before that Peace lily doesn’t like to be soggy or moist soil.

If you got a spot where the plant receives indirect light, but also water gathers there after rain then it is not the right spot to plant your Peace lily. It will rot the roots and affect the growth of the plant.

Furthermore, you need to take into account if you are living in an area where winters are too cold and there are chances of frost.

If you have settled your Peace Lily in a pot then you can simply put them inside in winter. This will save your plant.

On the contrary, if you have planted the roots in the grounds, then you need to cover your plant with a frost cloth or blanket. It will save the plant from frostbite and fungus as well.

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How to Plant a Peace Lily Outdoors?

It is simple to plant a Peace lily outdoors. Once you have bought a young Peace lily home, find a perfect location for you to  plant it.

After finding a shady place (far away from direct light), use rich and well-draining soil to set your Peace lily in the ground of a hole of the depth of about 30cm.

If the seller has already added fertilizer to your Peace Lily, do not add fertilizer on the first day, wait up to 6 or 8 months to add fertilizer. This is because too much fertilizer will damage the plant.

For more on fertilization of your peace lily, check out our peace lily fertilizer guide.

Moreover, soil also has nutrients for plant growth. On the other hand, if have doubts about the fertilizer, then it’s better to clarify the information from the seller.

Now, when your Peace lily is set firmly in the ground, you can start giving water to it. In the case of water, Peace lily do not like too much cold or chlorinated water.

The cold water might give a chill to the plant and it will affect the plants development.

Do not add too much water to your peace lily in one action. Add little bits of water, then wait. Let the water settle down and check the soil with your fingers. Then add more water if you feel that the soil is still dry.

Repeat the process until your finger feels wet soil.

Because young or small Peace lily consumes less water as compared to the mature one. You need to increase the quantity of water gradually as the plant moves towards maturity.

Moreover, if have added too much water, it will settle down and will affect the roots of the plant. This is an alarming situation for the young Peace lily.

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How to Care for a Peace lily Outdoors?

To take care of your Peace lily outdoor is as simple as growing it. A Peace lily doesn’t need your full attention at all.

Half of the work will be done once you have set the location correctly for your Peace lily.

The second half, water it only thrice in a week after checking the soil by dipping your finger in it in the summer. Add liquid fertilizer twice or thrice a year. Or use compost or homemade fertilizer once a month.

If you feel that your peace lily’s flowers are getting dry and leaves are scorching out, then they are the side-effects of too much light.

In this case, relocate your plant. But if you observe blackish brown-colored roots, then it might happen due to overwatering. If you acknowledge this problem at an early stage, you can save your plant.

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Final Thoughts

A peace lilyThe peace lily isn’t a tough plant but having it in a pot means you can control where you put it, allowing you to easily move it from outdoors to in.

In the beginning, Peace lily established its beautiful reputation due to its beautiful and aesthetic appearance. But it has became more popular over time and has the added benefit of being an air purifying plant per NASA’s research.

As it is easy to grow a Peace lily outdoors, it is also easy for other insects and diseases to grow on a Peace lily.

For instance, due to overwatering, you will observe fungus on your plant. And that needs to be treated immediately.

It is better to cut that part of the plant before it takes the whole plant. Secondly, spider mites and mealybugs might attack your white lilies. In this case, use plant sprays to get rid of them or homemade recipes.

You don’t need to worry about pests if you are taking the right care of your Peace lily.

The pests or diseases only grow on Peace lily in case of overwatering or overfertilization. If you keep track of water and other things, your Peace lily will never get into these problems.

Before you go, here are some more related articles I encourage you to read below to help solve more of your gardening issues:

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What is the Ideal Humidity for a Peace Lily