Why Are Some Monstera Expensive – What’s the Most Expensive

A monstera on the article Why Are Some Monstera Expensive

In this article, we are going to tell you why are some  Monstera varieties so expensive. So read this article thoroughly, and you will get amazing information about Monsteras and how much they can be.

If you are interested in purchasing a  Monstera plant, you have probably already realized that these are very pricey plants, even if you only purchase a small specimen.

However, this is the case even if you only buy one. How can cutting down one of these plants cost so much money?

There are a many factors that contribute to some monstera becoming expensive, including are the following:

  • They are not common.
  • They are in extremely great demand currently.
  • They require careful handling and the attention of an expert due to their slow propagation
  • Demand is another factor that contributes to price inflation. Growers have found that individuals are willing to pay a significant amount for a Monstera with a variegated pattern.

Let’s talk briefly about why is Monstera expensive? So please continue reading this article.

Why is a Monstera Expensive?

A monsteraHere in this part we tell you why is Monstera expensive. The high cost of  Monstera plants is a direct result of their scarcity and widespread demand.

Because the leaves do not have chlorophyll. However, the plant requires more light and hence grows more slowly. When growth is slower, propagation is also slower, which results in fewer new plants.

Have you ever gone shopping for plants and been completely overwhelmed by the variety of price points for the plants? Perhaps the prices give the impression that they don’t make any sense.

The cost of plants is based on several different considerations, and one of those considerations is the substantial amount of thinking that goes into the process.

Moreover, the Monstera plant is one of the most costly plants in the world. The more expensive prices of a Monstera plant may range anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the variation.

As a result, it is among the most costly plants found anywhere around the globe.

The online marketplaces that sell  Monsteras run out of stock very fast, so new buyers interested in purchasing the plant are placed on a waiting list until the parent Monstera matures sufficiently to generate more cuttings.

Demand is another factor that contributes to price inflation. Growers have found that individuals are willing to pay a significant amount for a Monstera with a variegated pattern.

Even a baby cutting with only two leaves can be sold for one hundred dollars in US currency, and people will buy it!

As Monsteras gain more popularity and their demand continues to climb, the costs of these plants will also continue to rise.

What Factors Contribute to the High Cost of These Plants?

The popular name for this plant is the “Swiss Cheese plant,” which comes from the fact that the leaves are pockmarked all over with holes and may vary in color from green to white.

However, the Monstera plant is a stunning example of tropical flora and is often referred to as “The Swiss Cheese plant” in popular parlance. Some types of Monstera are extremely desirable, but only a few people will ever have the opportunity to acquire one of these valuable treasures.

Monstera plants of the variegated variety are well-known not only for the attractive white spots on their leaves but also for the high cost associated with purchasing one of these plants.

What’s the Most Expensive Monstera?

A monsteraThere is a market for variegated Monstera plants that may fetch hundreds of dollars, and even cuttings can sell for more than one hundred dollars.

The Adansonii Variegated Monstera plant brought in $38,000, making it the most expensive specimen of its kind ever offered for sale.

Another specimen of the extremely rare Monstera Adansoni sold for $700 on the well-known online auction site Trade Me, while a Monstera Aurea went for $3,726.

“Variegated plants have become increasingly popular over the past few years,” says Dan Bruce. “This is partly because houseplant hunters always look for something different, and also because they’re extremely rare and beautiful.”

The sharp rise in the price of variegated monsteras can be attributed, in large part, to the surge in demand that has resulted in increased pressure being placed on the stockpiles of the slow-growing plant.

Because the leaves do not have chlorophyll, the plant requires more light and grows more slowly.

You may also like: How to care for a monstera

Variegated vs. non-Variegated Monstera Cost

When you look at a plant, do you ever think, “same, same, but different?” It’s not uncommon to see a group of plants that look the same but have distinctively varied patterns on their leaves or stems.

1) Variegated

The word “variegated” originates from the Latin word “vs.,” which translates to “different.” Therefore, when a plant is said to be variegated, it signifies that it is a different variant of the plant that served as its ancestor in some sense.

More specifically, though, the term “variegated” refers to a plant with leaves that are patterned or bordered with a different color.

The majority of the time, that second color is white in addition to green. There are moments when the plant looks as if it has marbled leaves.

Peperomia obtusifolia, or baby rubber plant as it is more commonly known, is shown below in its variegated and non-variegated forms. Variegation occurs naturally in this species.

2) The Difference in Price

There is typically a price disparity between variegated and non-variegated plants, and you may observe this disparity when purchasing plants.

For example, if you want to buy a variegated monstera Deliciosa, it can cost you a LOT of money. They can cost you back as much as $650.

However, the price difference is not only attributable to the fact that the plant is a different color. It is more important to consider this variation’s effect on the plant.

It takes more time for variegated plants to mature. Like, much, much longer. However, this is because they have a lower chlorophyll content, resulting in a smaller available surface area for photosynthesis.

In practice, it is more difficult for them to amass the energy necessary for growth.

Because of this, variegated plants end up being a naturally uncommon product, and the reason for this is straightforward: it is difficult to keep the supply up with the demand.

Final Thoughts

A monsteraIn this article, we have discussed why are some Monstera expensive. However, Monstera plants are costly due to their scarcity. The marbling or half-moon appearance results from a mutation in the chlorophyll synthesis of the plant.

Depending on the size and pattern of variegation, the price of a Monstera can range from $100 to several thousand dollars USD.

These days, Monstera plants have garnered quite a bit of attention. Every gardener today seems to be posting photos of this tropical plant on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.

This houseplant has distinctively split leaves that are a brilliant shade of green.

However, this stunning plant has been featured in a wide variety of magazines across the United States of America, and one of the reasons for this is the reason above.

So we hope you will learn why monstera plants are so expensive.

Bean Growing

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