What is the Ideal Humidity for an Anthurium?

An anthurium on the article What is the Ideal Humidity for an Anthurium

Anthurium or flamingo flower is prevalent among houseplants collections due to its unique structural appearance. Anthurium is an outdoor as well as an indoor plant.

It is easy to grow anthurium in outside as well as inside settings.

It needs well-draining soil, bright indirect light, moist soil with high humidity, and warm temperatures. In low light and temperature, an anthurium might display less growth as compared to the ideal conditions.

Anthurium is native to Central and Northern South America. The shape of leaves and flowers of anthurium varies with the different types of anthurium.

But the most common structural appearance of Anthurium consists of – Red or white color heart or globe-shaped flowers on the spadix, under the spadix, there is spathe (leaves).

It grows up to 12 to 18 inches in height depending on the source of the light. To help you get the right light for your anthurium we have an article on the anthuriums light requirements.

An anthuriums prefers temperatures between 65F to 80F during the day and no lower than 60F at night. Most varieties of anthurium love humidity, to keep your anthurium’s growing conditions optimum aim for the humidity level between 60% to 80%.

Do you have additional questions interrelated to anthurium humidity? I know that it is problematic to check the humidity in the beginning, but trust me, once you are done reading this article, you will have the answers to all your queries.

Without any due, let’s solve your queries!

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What is the Ideal Humidity for an Anthurium?

An anthurium The ideal humidity for an anthurium is 60 to 80 percent. Anthurium humidity should be set high as it is crucial for adequate growth.

In less than 50 percent humidity, Anthurium will survive, but may lose its waxy outlook and look more like dry paint.

It is quite easy to take care of Anthurium, as it only likes warm and cozy temperatures around 65 to 80 F.

In case of low temperature and less humidity, the plant will not display ideal growth and might lose its colorful impression.

On the contrary, with high temperatures more than 95 Fahrenheit and extremely high humidity if exceeded 85 percent, the Anthurium will also not have reasonable growth and will lose its extraordinary shape and color.

The high temperatures will weaken the plant as the leaves of Anthurium will start turning brown around the edges. Similarly, high humidity also influences the plant shape.

How to Find out what Humidity your Home is?

The ice cube method is a satisfactory way to find out what humidity your home is. Now, let show you how to do it. It is extremely easy!

Put one glass of water in your living or any other part of your home except the kitchen. You cannot calculate the right humidity of the kitchen with this method.

Add three to four cubes of ice to it. Leave it for five to six minutes. After that observe the glass condition.

If you see condensation forming outside the glass surface from top to bottom of the glass, then it means, you have a high humidity level in your house.

If you do not observe any condensation forming outside the glass surface from top to bottom of the glass then it means, you have a low humidity level in your house.

In case, you observe condensation forming outside the glass surface, only on the top area of glass, then it means, you have a normal humidity level in your house.

This is a simple and regular way to find out the humidity of your home. In case, you are looking for the exact humidity level of your house, then go for a hygrometer.

A hygrometer is a small and easy-to-use tool/machine which calculates the humidity. There are many different types of hygrometers are available in the market; electric and non-electric ones as well.

If you’re enjoying this article, check out our articles on why does your anthurium have holes in its leaves and how to solve anthurium leaf problems.

How to Increase the Humidity in your Home?

The best and most natural way to increase humidity in your home is to add houseplants in your home.

Scientifically, it is a complex process but to put it in a simple way. When we give water to the plant to thrive properly, it starts performing multiple actions at one time.

Water is firstly absorbed by the roots, then goes up to the stems and leaves. And then it evaporates into the air and this happens due to the small pores on the leaves. This whole process is called evapotranspiration.

It is important to maintain a normal humidity level in your home. Because the low humidity level causes skin irritation as well as dryness.

And sometimes, it leads to dehydration. In case of too much low humidity in the atmosphere, you can install a humidifier to maintain it.

What are the Signs on your Anthurium that the Humidity is not Right?

If your anthurium is showing these signs that mean your “anthurium humidity” is very low and not perfect for the plant to thrive properly.

  • The first sign is if the old leaves of anthurium are getting brown from the edges and hard or flaky structure instead of waxy, then it means humidity is not right. We have an article on why is you anthurium flower bud turning brown.
  • A Second sign is if you observe sag structured leaves with light yellowish spots, this also indicates low humidity.
  • The third sign showing slow growth or no growth at all in the growing season, then it means anthurium humidity is not set at the right level.

In this case, you need to mist your plant every second day. But those leaves that have brown or dark spots might not get back to their original color, but you can save the new leaves by changing the humidity around them.

Moreover, high humidity displays a negative effect in rare cases only. But if your plant is showing these signs that mean anthurium humidity is set too high which is also not good for the plant pattern and color.

Anthurium leaves will start showing dark spots on the evergreen leaves in high humidity, including, you will observe small greyish non-stem looks wild on some parts of the stems.

In that case, you don’t need to be a worry at all, it is treatable. Simply lower the humidity level and let the soil to get dry out.

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Do Anthuriums Help with Humidity?

An anthurium

Anthuriums do help with humidity. Are you thinking about how exactly it works? Plants have a simple theory; they like to absorb things around them.

Plants tend to absorb the humidity from their surroundings. Even plants are also called dehumidifiers. In case you have high humidity in your area of living, anthurium will maintain the humidity level by absorbing it.

High humidity is not healthy for the human body. The low energy we feel sometimes in our body is also caused by high humidity more than 80 percent.

It is favorable to check the humidity level around you every fortnight.

Can Anthuriums get too Much Humidity?

Anthurium can get too much humidity with this being above 80% humidity. First of all, anthurium need to range from medium to slightly high 50 – 80 percent humidity.

Too much humidity is neither good for anthurium nor other regular plants.

Even too much humidity is not good for you and your home, and it might cause many other problems, such as condensation on windows, foggy walls and can cause a structural distortion to the house.

In summer, it is good to set anthurium in 50 – 60 percent as it is also good for your home humidity level. In winters, you can drop the humidity level up to 40 – 50 percent but not below this.

With all other growth care, anthuriums show quite an adequate growth in little low humidity, but for bright complexion of flowers, you need high humidity.

If you ever feel that your anthurium is not getting humidity in your living, you can change its position, like in the bathroom, for a few days, until you start seeing normality in your plant.

But keep in mind, changing the position of your plant frequently might not be a good option since plants don’t like regular changes.

Do Anthuriums like to be Misted?

Anthurium loves to be misted because it is a tropical plant. Anthurium humidity necessities can be fulfilled by misting the plant every fourth or fifth day.

Misting the plant doesn’t suggest you don’t need to water the plant. Water is another substantial care requirement for anthurium to grow and cannot be replaced by misting it.

Mist plays a powerful role in anthuriums humidity, but too much misting the plant can be risky for the plant. It is suggestible to mist your anthurium but not too much.

Don’t make your anthurium soggy with misting. And don’t mix up the misting the plant with watering the plant. Both are different concepts.

Watering the plant means that you give the water to the plant until you feel your plant is no thirstier, the complete opposite of misting.

How to Mist an Anthurium?

It is easy to mist an anthurium. Put up with lukewarm water and sprinkle it evenly over anthurium leaves and flowers. Perform this ritual every fourth or fifth day.

By misting your plant, make sure that you don’t make your plant too much soggy. An anthurium likes to be misted but not too much.

Don’t forget to water your plant once in a week. It is better to dip your finger in the soil to check the water level. If your finger feels the soil is a tiny bit wet, then don’t add more water until the soil gets dry.

Is an Anthurium Suitable for the Bathroom?

An anthurium is great to have in your bathroom. First of all, the bathroom has a moisture or humidity level that is higher than the other parts of our homes.

Moreover, if you have a source of bright indirect light in your bathroom, then it will also boost the plant to thrive. And the flowers will remain stable in that condition.

Moreover, the aroma and color of the anthurium will brighten your bathroom. A small plant will not make your bathroom look smaller. It will complement your bath tiles.

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Where are Suitable Places to put an Anthurium?

An anthuriumAnthurium is an easy going plant and can easily adjust to anywhere. But there are few places, it likes to be settled.

In our homes, the living room is the domain that has the access to natural light and is normally a good place for an anthurium.

In the living room, you can set an anthurium opposite to your window (in bright indirect light) or place it on the shelves. If you will set anthurium in your living room, then it will become a part of your interior decor.

Apart from the living room, you can settle anthurium in your kitchen as well. The kitchen usually has the right temperature for an anthurium. It is warm enough to help your Anthurium to thrive properly.

Moreover, you can set your anthurium in your study, if you’re looking for more advanced benefits of your plant.

According to research, plants show a positive effect on human minds as well as purify the air for us.

Last but not the least, you can put your anthurium in your bathroom as it fulfills the anthurium humidity requirements. Our bathrooms have high humidity as compared to the other parts of our houses.

Final Thoughts

Due to its bright color combination, an Anthurium is considered best for indoor décor, specifically, in Christmas or New year party décor, this plant gives compliment to the lightings.

In summer, anthurium is very easy to take care of. Even it needs your attention once in a week.

It is easy to set the ideal humidity for anthurium in summer. But in case of severe cold settings, set the plant in an indoor setting with warm temperatures.

An anthurium is not highly toxic to humans and animals. But it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to humans and animals.

It is preferable to plant anthurium away from your pets. It is not toxic to death, but does generate irritation near the eyes or on the skin.

If you enjoyed this article, check out our article on the anthurium vs the philodendron.

Bean Growing

We provide a wide range of information from indoor to outdoor plants to product recommendations to make your gardening experience the best it can possibly be. We are not experts in gardening but through extensive research and experience we will give you the best information to provide the best care for your plants.

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