A monstera on the article The Top 15 Monstera Varieties to Enjoy in Your Home

The Top 15 Monstera Varieties to Enjoy in Your Home

I didn’t know much about monsteras until I came across the monstera deliciosa. And I fell so in love with it that I barely ever thought of adding any other variety to my space.

But in recent years, the monstera has become one of the trendiest plants, and more varieties have caught my eye.

I am stuck between choosing the acuminata (I am so honored to have this opportunity) or the adasonii. This guide takes you through some of the most common monstera species and what makes them unique.

Perhaps when you’re done looking at each option, you will be just as conflicted as I am about what to add to your space. Let’s get into it:

Top 15 Monstera Varieties

Most of the varieties covered under this section are common; you can get them from the local nursery or other gardeners. Take the deliciosa as an example.

It is one of the most available species, which has graced many a social media page and continues to enthrall budding and expert gardeners.

But some species like the acuminata are hard to come across as they boast rare features. Below, I cover what makes each of these species such a gem:

1) Monstera Deliciosa

Of course, I will start with the plant I have in my home. I started growing this variety several years ago and have added another plant to my space.

So, what makes it such a good addition? Well, this plant can grow to a height of up to 15 feet with broad leaves that can be 3 feet long! Its leaves fenestrate (split) once they mature, adding to their striking effect.

Additionally, it features aerial roots, which allow it to climb tree trunks in the wild, a habit you can replicate using a moss pole in your home.

And to make matters even better, this plant is readily available, lowering the costs of propagating it. You can easily get a cutting from a friend or a nursery, and the cutting can root in a few weeks.

To grow this plant, you must find a spot with bright indirect light and ensure you plant it in well-draining potting soil.

Get Your Monstera Deliciosa Here!


2) Monstera Adasonii

Did you know that this monstera also goes by the name monkey mask plant? It boasts fenestrations, which unlike those of the deliciosa, do not reach the edges of the leaves.

The leaves take on a mix of deep and light green hues and are quite striking owing to their bold moderate sizes. This plant is generally small, but it can reach a height of 8 feet in the right conditions.

But if this size is not your cup of tea, you can always trim the plant to curb its fast growth. And you can use the cuttings to grow smaller monstera adansoniis.

This plant does best when left in partial sun, preferably with a preference for morning sunlight as this is not as harsh as afternoon sun rays.

Get Your Monstera Adasonii Here!


3) Monstera Peru

Many plant parents often look for a plant that is not too demanding when it comes to maintenance. And if this describes you, this monstera variety could be the right pick.

The Monstera Peru grows fast and features a climbing mechanism. As long as it has partial sun exposure (morning sun), it can grow to a height of up to 8 feet.

And because it climbs, you can train it along your walls and other structures, so it takes up as little space as possible. Unlike most other monstera varieties, this species does not fenestrate.

But before you write it off, you should know that it produces thick leaves with dark green hues that contrast nicely with any other shade in the space.

Oh, and it’s also relatively rare to find, so if you are lucky enough to get one, you should grab it while the opportunity lasts.

Get Your Monstera Peru Here!


4) Monstera Pinnatipartita

Fenestrations are beautiful. But how about switching things up with pinnate leaves? The Monstera Pinnatipartita species features leaves with natural separations, enabling you to enjoy variation from a young stage.

As opposed to most monstera species that fenestrate when they mature, you get to view the pinnate leaves the minute you buy this plant.

And as you may have guessed, it sells like hot cake, making it quite hard to come across this species online. If you do, you will need to part with a pretty penny to outbid the other interested parties.

But it will be worth it once this plant matures and hits the 6-foot average indoors. You can get better results by placing it in partial sun, i.e., exposing it to about 4 to 6 hours of the morning sun.

Get Your Monstera Pinnatipartita Here!


5) Monstera Standleyana

Many people looking for small species often go for rare varieties that stand out from the fray. What better way to achieve this effect than by choosing one of the rarest monstera species, also known as the five-hole plant?

Unlike most plants which give rise to predictable patterns and foliage colors, that is hardly the case with this plant.

You never know what the plant will produce – from green leaves with white spots to yellow stripes against green leaves down to cream spots on green leaves.

The contrast is undeniably breath-taking and has made this quite the statement plant. It looks even better when there are fenestrations to back the foliage variation.

But to get the plant to split, you must ensure that it has adequate access to bright and indirect light. In these conditions, it can grow up to five feet tall.

Get Your Monstera Standleyana Here!


6) Monstera Deliciosa Albo Borsigiana Variegata

From the name, you may have already guessed that this species features some variegation. And if you did, you are right on the money.

This species is ideal for people who want all the monstera has to offer but in a compacted size. Its leaves come with several patterns scattered across their broad surfaces.

Some of the leaves can even take on pure white color, adding to the contrast between the leaves. And when the plant has passed the juvenile stage, it fenestrates so you can enjoy the best of two worlds.

To make matters even better, the plant has a manageable size and often reaches 6 feet indoors.

You can preserve the variegation by ensuring the plant gets partial shade, i.e., avoid afternoon sun rays and always leave the plant protected from direct light.

However, note that low light conditions can rob the plant of the ability to produce variegation. It would help if you thus struck a balance between the two.

Get Your Monstera Deliciosa Albo Borsigiana Variegata Here!


7) Monstera Peru (Variegated)

If you like the Borsigiana, you should also consider this species which is like the monstera Peru I covered before but with a twist.

Like the Borsigiana, it produces varying patterns on its leaves, making it a good choice for anyone looking for an element of contrast.

Moreover, its leaves are thick and quite close, creating a bushy effect in the space. I should add that, unlike most monstera species, this type does not fenestrate even after it has matured.

Thus, it works best for someone who wants a compact space and is not too concerned with splitting leaves. If this sounds like you, all you need is to provide the plant with partial shade, and it will reward you by growing up to 6 feet tall.

Get Your Monstera Peru Variegated Here!


8) Monstera Lechleriana

Have you ever wanted a plant that grows fast and has low maintenance needs? Then this is the plant for you.

Like the deliciosa, it boasts broad green leaves and a growth pattern that allows it to reach upwards of 6 feet indoors.

Upon maturity, the plant’s leaves start splitting, but the splits do not reach the edges of the leaves and instead appear like holes on the surfaces, making them quite attractive.

Given how fast this plant grows, you will likely need to support it to prevent it from toppling over from its weight.

And you should also leave it in partial shade, allowing it to receive at least 4 hours of morning sun so its leaves can make enough food to support the fast growth.

Besides that, you will barely need to pay mind to this plant, and it will still grow healthy, strong, and fast.

Get Your Monstera Lechleriana Here!


9) Monstera Acuminata

In the introduction, I mentioned that this was one of my top choices. I should add that this plant is not easy to come by, and if you get the chance to own one, you should strike when the iron is hot.

This plant, native to the south and central American region, is one of the most compact monstera species you will come across.

It grows to about 7 feet outdoors and indoors; it takes on a much smaller stature. You can even use it in a hanging basket as it will not overflow much, and when it does, it will trail.

So, it works great for people with small spaces or who do not like the gigantic nature of the monstera deliciosa.

Like the deliciosa, it also has fenestrations, but these do not reach the edge of the leaves. Ensure you place it in bright and indirect light and keep it in a pot with sufficient space for root development.

Get Your Monstera Acuminata Here!


10) Monstera Dubia

If you are after a cute compact plant that still catches your eye, this is the plant for you. This monstera variety features variegation and is sometimes called the shingle plant.

The variegation becomes more pronounced in the presence of light, and you can enjoy it better when you place the plant in partial sun.

The dubia has a vining growth pattern that allows its leaves to be close to each other. So, you get to see each variegated leaf in succession.

In the right conditions, this plant grows to a height of 3 feet and has fenestration in its mature leaves. However, fenestration is hard to come by in indoor species.

Thus, you will need to take extra care of your dubia to enjoy fenestration alongside the variegation. I should add that because of its rare features, you will often find this monstera variety at higher prices. But it’s worth it.

Get Your Monstera Dubia Here!


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11) Monstera Obliqua

This species, native to south and central America, does best in warm regions where it can grow up to 10 feet outdoors. It prefers partial sun with a particular preference for morning sun because it has delicate leaves.

So, what makes it special? It is one of the few monstera species where fenestrations take over most of the leaves.

The splits, which do not reach the edges of the leaves, can account for up to 90% of the leaf surface. You can imagine just how picturesque that would be. And that’s where it gets interesting.

While this is a highly sought-after plant, it is costly due to its rarity and delicacy in the wild.

So, while getting your hands on one might be a dream come true, you will need to keep searching for this species, also known as a unicorn plant. Yes, that is how rare it is!

Get Your Monstera Obliqua Here!


12) Silver Monstera

As the name suggests, this monstera gives rise to blue-silvery and glossy foliage contrasted with green veins. It is quite a sight to behold, making it a highly sought-after species.

You may think this would make your search quite hard, but that could not be further from the truth. While you will not come across this species in most nurseries, you can always find someone who has stocked it.

And guess what? The deal gets even better because once the plant matures, its leaves start developing fenestrations which add to its unique aspects.

I should add that the plant loses its silver allure once its leaves mature as they take on a dark green hue. But that’s not all this plant offers – it also has a climbing pattern.

So, you can train it along your walls and other structures to enjoy the splitting process better. Be sure to leave the plant shaded from direct sunlight to preserve the dark green nature of its mature leaves.

Get Your Monstera siltepecana Here!


13) Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation

Have you ever looked at the monstera deliciosa and wished it had an edge to it? Now it does, thanks to a lot of lab work and years of research! Introducing the Thai Constellation, a plant whose leaves fenestrate and feature beautiful variegations.

The patterns can be yellow, white, or an in-between of the two, contrasting with the natural green color in the leaves. So, you can enjoy two of the most stunning features in monstera varieties – color and pattern.

Of course, you will need to invest a tidy sum to get your hands on this plant as it has quite a low supply compared to its demand.

And if you want it to show off even more variegation, keep it in partial shade where it can grow up to 8 feet tall.

Get Your Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation Here!


14) Variegated Monstera Deliciosa

If the Thai constellation interests you, how about taking a look at this variegated species? Unlike the Thai Constellation, which results from lab work, the variegation in this monstera is natural.

It owes to a genetic mutation and is thus very hard to come by in the wild. That means that to get it, you must be willing to part with a significant chunk of cash.

But it is worth the tidy sum because you get to lay your hands on a replica of the monstera deliciosa with the added benefit of variegation.

And that is quite an investment. If you leave it in the right growing conditions, this species will reach at least 10 feet, just like the monstera deliciosa.

Of course, you must ensure the plant does not get access to direct sun as this can derail its growth.

Get Your Variegated Monstera Deliciosa Here!


15) Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophora tetrasperma)

People know the monstera for its bold size and fenestrations and love it for these unique features.

However, these features also make some people shun it because they don’t have the space to house it or would prefer to save space.

If you feel like this about having the monstera in your home, you can consider this monstera which, as the name suggests, is quite miniature.

It grows to about 6 to 8 feet indoors and is relatively low maintenance, making it an excellent choice for almost any space.

While the name implies that this is a monstera, it is not a monstera per se, but rather, it belongs to the Rhaphidophora genus.

But when you go through its care needs, you soon realize that it resembles most monstera species.

It even likes being in the partial shade instead of direct contact with the sun! And that makes it a fitting species to conclude this fascinating topic.

Get Your Rhaphidophora tetrasperma Here!


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Final Thoughts

Monsteras are all unique in different ways. Some stand tall, boldly declaring their presence, while others do so even when they are barely a foot tall.

Whichever option you choose, one thing is for sure – monsteras are beautiful plants that spruce up just about any room in the house. Of course, you must consider their needs and ensure you meet them to enjoy this benefit.

Happy Gardening!