What Is The Best Pot For A Spider Plant? – Repotting Tips

A spider plant on the article How To Save Spider Plant from Root Rot

The spider plant is also known as Chlorophytum comosum, is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors and outdoors.

It is a highly adjustable plant and does not require too much care. It is one of the most favorable plants to grow as houseplants since it is easy to care for and suffers from few problems.

The spider plant is known for its spider-like look, which dangles down from a mother plant like a spider-web.

It usually starts to grow from a small white flower and grows to be a big plant suitable for indoors and a houseplant.

Plant Care

A spider plantTry not to water your spider plant too often. Since its white roots hold a lot of water to survive during dry periods, it might become a problem for you if you’re watering your plant too often.

The spider plant needs water according to the area you live in. Spider plants need more water during summers as compared to winters.

If humidity is low during winters, try to mist your spider plant to keep it happy!

What Is The Best Pot For A Spider Plant?

If you want to know which pot is the most suitable for your spider plant, then keep reading!

We have made a list of the best pots for spider plants to help you decide which one to buy for your plant, whether it’s indoors or outdoors!

Nearly Natural Spider Hanging Basket

This spider-hanging basket with decorative silk is ideal for your spider plant. It is green in color and is certainly for plant lovers.

Its spidery wispy foliage extends beyond the container and beautifies any space, home, or office. It is 8 inches wide and 5 inches in height, making it a good option for your indoor plants.

At the time of the making of this post, it has a rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars, this product is shipped worldwide.

Get Your Spider Plant Pot Here!



This is a great pot due to it’s thickened and hardened design made up of recycled plastic and natural stone.

It is built to stand harsh summer sun and cold winter days, and the attractive marble design makes it perfect for outdoors or indoors.

It comes with 1 pre-drilled drainage hole that is ideal for plants and plants thrive in such containers.

If, in any case, the customer does not like the product, they also have a refund policy.

At the time of the making of this post, this product has 5 out of 5 stars.

Get Your Spider Plant Pot Here!



This wall mount comes in beige color and has 5 cotton hangers and 5 hooks to hang your plants.

It is easy to use, and you have to open the legs and put the flower pot in the middle and hang it anywhere you wish to hang it!

It is made up of natural cotton and is eco-friendly and easy to use.

The hanger fits almost all types of plants and is ideal for plants with more than 10 inches in diameter. It looks great wherever you hang it.

At the time of the making of this post, it has managed to get 4.8 out of 5 stars and provides worldwide shipping.

Get Your Spider Plant Pot Here!


What Type Of Pot Does Spider Plant Like Best?

Spider Plants like to stay in a tight spot, so when buying a pot for your plant, it just goes one size up compared to your current plant.

Using a well-drained pot will help you to get a happy spider plant!

If you are enjoying this article, check out our article on the benefits of owning a spider plant.

Can You Put Multiple Spider Plants In One Pot?

A spider plantThe spider plant’s roots fill up the pot quickly.

Within two years, you will see the huge roots will fill up the pot and if you have multiple spider plants in one pot it may cause a decline in the health of the spider plant.

If you wish to put multiple spider plants in one pot, make sure you keep changing the pot to ensure a healthy and happy spider plant!

One advantage to putting lots of plants in one pot is that you will get lots and lots of spider babies from one plant, and your plant will look full from the very beginning.

What Soil Does A Spider Plant Like?

Spider plants like moderate moisture and don’t like to be too wet or too dry.

It is best to grow your plant in a soil-based, well-draining potting mix to ensure your plants get all the nutrients required.

Best Growing Conditions For a Spider Plant

When you buy a spider plant, go for a plant with bushy and vibrant green variegated leaves. Don’t buy plants with yellow leaves or crispy brown leaf margins.

You can also find spiderettes that are bursting with offsets from any local nursery near your home.

Since these plants reproduce vigorously, you can also ask any of your friends if they would like to give a recently rooted offset of spider plant if they are also plant lovers!

Spider plants can tolerate all types of conditions but like moderate to bright indirect sunlight. It is a good idea to rotate your plant occasionally, so it gets even sunlight on all sides.

It is a good idea to show off your rich spider plant, and it would look best if you hand it from a basket near or in front of a window.

Spider plants can also survive in artificial lights, and so it is an easy-to-care plant and a great option as a houseplant.

It is also a good idea to put these plants in a bathroom since they love humidity!

When Should You Repot A Spider Plant?

A spider plant grows quickly, and that is why it becomes pot-bound quickly. It is best to repot your spider plant every year.

Spider plants do not like direct sunlight so try to place them in a position where they don’t get too much direct sunlight.

You can also divide your spider plant. The process is easy to follow, and we have given a step-by-step guide on how to do it below:

  • When you divide a spider plant, you will need a sharp knife, additional containers, and a pot with drainage holes.
  • Now remove the plant from the pot and check for damaged roots. You might need to wash the soil from the roots to see clearly.
  • Identify the damaged roots and cut them off.
  • Now see how many plants you can start from the roots you have left.
  • Now cut and divide the healthy roots into several sections. Each root for a new plant.
  • Lastly, repot each root in its own pot. Making sure you put them in a well-draining pot and water them well.

Common Growing Problems

Although spider plants are hassle-free, it is still important to take care of them in a way that they love. There are a few tips you should follow to make your plant look the best!

If your plant’s leaves are droopy and pale, this indicates that your plant is not getting enough water, and it is time to give it a deep drink.

If your plant’s leaves are turning brown or black, it means they are getting too much water. Hence it is better to stop watering it for some time and let it dry the excess water.

A build-up of soluble salts is often the culprit if you see your plant having drooping or brown leaf tips.

These salts cause the roots to rot and often inhibit the plant’s ability to take water in.

To avoid this problem, water your plant thoroughly to wash away all the excess salt and not let the pot sit in water for too long.

If the build-up of salt is due to no drainage in your pot, it is best to repot the plant and use fresh soil and a pot with drainage holes.

It is best to repot your plant if the water cant go all the way down to the roots. It is time to remove the plant from the pot it is currently in and move it to a bigger pot and do this once year.

Spider plants are prone to tip burn, which is caused by low humidity or dry soil, and for that, you need to keep the soil slightly moist.

It is also a good idea not to use public tap water. You should cut off any brown tips if they occur in your spider plant.

If you want to get rid of the brown disc on your spider plant leaves, scrape it off with your fingernail every few days.

Final Thoughts

Spider plantsSpider plants are known to purify the air and make a great indoor plant! It is easy to care for the plant, and it would be best to grow them in an area where there is a lot of humidity!

Full green bushes of spider plants give it a beautiful look from outside, and it is best if you hang these plants, especially in front of your door or windows!

Since this plant does not require much sunlight, you can almost put it anywhere other than direct sunlight!

Before you go, here are some more related articles I encourage you to read below to help solve more of your gardening issues:

Bamboo pots good for plants

What are the Light Requirements for a Spider Plant

How To Save Spider Plant from Root Rot

Bean Growing

We provide a wide range of information from indoor to outdoor plants to product recommendations to make your gardening experience the best it can possibly be. We are not experts in gardening but through extensive research and experience we will give you the best information to provide the best care for your plants.

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